Wohnmobilstellplätze Kapellen an der Mürz

Wohnmobilstellplätze Kapellen an der Mürz

Jetzt kostenlos downloaden: Daheim APP

Daheim App

The Daheim App offers a convenient way to stay updated on information, news, and events in the municipality right on your smartphone. From exhibitions to fashion shows, sporting events to concerts, theater performances to trade fairs, the app keeps you informed about a wide range of happenings.

Größe (Size)

  • Join us on Friday, June 26, 2024, from 09:00 to 11:00 for the official launch event.
  • To enjoy the benefits of the new Daheim App from Saubermacher, simply install the app. This ensures that you have access to an official electronic document from the authorities. According to § 20 of the E-Government Act (E-GovG), an electronically signed document from an authority, even if printed on paper, holds the evidential value of a public document.

For verification purposes or more information, please contact [email protected]. Visit our official website for administrative details: Gemeindeamt.

Gemeindeamt (Municipal Office)

Marktgemeindeamt Neuberg an der Mürz

Contact us via fax at 03857-8202-74 or email us at [email protected]. Our office hours are from Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 12:00. For appointments with the Mayor, please schedule a meeting over the phone.


Camp location

Camp Gallery